EARTHQUEST (Canada) for the Environment

Learn how to be a great field ornithologist, Biology, field training



Frequently Asked Questions


International FBT Program

Primate FBT Courses

Medicinal plant FBT Courses

FBT Courses in management/leadership

Nicaragua Ecology and Behaviour of primates courses

Costa Rica Ecology and Behaviour of primates courses

Rainforest Ecology course

International Ethnobotany course

Application form for all programs

Reference form and letter for all programs

Biological Field School

Biological Field School application form

Reference form and letter for Biological Field School



Loans and grants

Environmental assessment course

GIS course

Fern course

Species at Risk (SAR) plant course

Now available; a new Tree and Shrub book authored by the Senior Instructor of the EARTHQUEST Biological Field School - Dave Jolly
People considering internships and jobs in the environmental industry conducting natural heritage assessments are strongly urged to purchase this book for only $200.00 CND + shipping and handling
To order please contact us for more details

Photos: Dave Jolly

International Field Biology Training (FBT) Program
Bird workshop

This is one of our newest courses offered to meet the demands in the environmental industry of well qualified people who can visually field identify birds to species level within 5 seconds or less. It is an intensive 3 hour session focused exclusively on bird species field ID, which is Level 3 (Level 1 is family identification, Level 2 is genera identification); differentiation between confusing sound-a-like or look-a-like birds, where 1 is a provincially or federally listed Species at Risk (SAR) eg. Black-and-white warbler vs. endangered Prothonotary warbler. Approximately, 20 - 25 of the most confusing birds are covered including;

i. Where and how to look while performing field investigations
ii. Quick and easy field recognition by sight and sound (positive ID within 5 seconds or less)
iii. Census/survey techniques; pros and cons
iv. Mitigation measures to implement should habitat be disturbed, altered or destroyed from proposed construction projects, etc. (ie. following best practices management strategies under the MNR Natural Heritage Assessment Guide, Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide, etc.)

This workshop is highly recommended for consultants or those involved with conducting field surveys on bird populations. We would also be open to the possibility of covering material that you may want more information about - eg. how to perform field surveys so that they optimize time and budget constraints along with staff skills. We can also do the same with plants - eg. a 4 hour workshop to natural areas to learn 18 - 25 species of SAR plants - eg. Crooked stemmed aster (Aster prenanthoides); S2/THR/THR, American ginseng (Panax qinquefolius), S3/END, Soft hairy false gromwell (Onosmodium molle); S2, etc. An excellent way to learn some SAR plants which you may come across during field surveys in a short time! Perhaps you should consider a plant + bird workshop, which can easily be done on a weekend, so it doesn't interfere with work hours. We must warn students that these field site visits often venture into tick infested areas, so please be advised that you must take precautions to reduce your chances of contracting Lyme disease. It is recommended that you also enroll in the following courses to enhance your chances of becoming more attractive to employers as these plant courses do show up on many job postings

Level 1 & 2 terrestrial plant courses

For a complete description of the core International FBT Program courses, specialty and correspondence courses please download International FBT Program Courses

Level 3 FBT bird workshop - $180.00 CAD

This course focuses on the 20 - 25 species commonly found in the eastern half of North America during migration. It emphasizes common traits shared among confusing look-a-likes, including Ontario Species at Risk. Each unit is typically 1.5 hours in length, give or take weather, birds available and search efforts.

Unit #1: Field identification techniques

The art and science of how to apply the "5 second rule" to identify birds to species within 5 seconds or less

Bird species descriptions and visual cues used to aid positive identification
Species characteristics and traits shared among families and genera

Unit #2: Field diagnostics

We will learn how to quickly differentiate between confusing sound-a-like/look-a-like birds, where 1 is an Ontario Species at Risk.

How to identify based on bill shape, shape of body, morphology, plumage characteristics, behaviour, primary breeding song of adult male

Date: August 17, 2019

Registration: August 1, 2019

Application form

A Guide to the Birds of Cavendish Park and surrounding area of London, Ontario, Canada
$25.00 CAD + shipping and handling

Photo: Peter Skrypnyk
for more information please click on; Google books

Once purchased simply download your book from our website. To purchase your copy of this book via Paypal please click on;

Learn how to be a grass, sedge, rush field botanist, Biology, research and conservation, Field training and employment opportunities


Senior Instructor/Biologist/Consultant & President
D. Jolly, B.Sc.
EARTHQUEST (Canada) for the Environment
Tel: 226-926-1470
©copyright EARTHQUEST (Canada) for the Environment

Website designed and maintained by D. Jolly
Last Updated 10/05/2019